My best friend is having her BEST year yet despite the pandemic - she gone engaged and also found out she will be expecting her first child in 2020! This is her story about her pregnancy during lockdown and all the emotions, experiences, highs and lows involved....
"We are both a bit older (34,36) and decided this would be the year! We probably weren't expecting it to catch at the beginning! I only found out because we had a big weekend planned!
Anyway- we found out a week before lock down came in to force, so we were able to visit my parents (and the pub to celebrate!) and see some good friends and my brother in person to share the news.
As this is our first baby we didn't know what to expect from NHS support so as for appointment I haven't really noticed much different. However attending scans by myself isn't great. Understandably they need to concentrate the flow of people in & out of the hospital but nothing makes the world stop spinning waiting for them to tell you there is a heart beat! Being able to hold my boyfriends hand would have been so special for us both but he is seeing one picture and me relaying all the information... I am too overwhelmed to take it all in!
All my appointment have been lovely the midwifes are calm and welcoming, at such a stressful time you don't want to add to their pressures so have waited till the next appointment to find thing out and ask for support.
I think the hardest part is not being around other to celebrate- its my parents first grandchild and, yes we have been to see them... and no nothing will stop them hugging me, and I wouldn't want them too! I haven't seen my gran more for her benefit then mine!
Online shopping is okay... but can't wait to get into M&S and find all those lovely baby grows, worrying how something so small is going to fit into our world. But it still feels a long way off (5 Months) so crossing everything will be at least on the mend, we want them to meet their grandparents from the Isle Of Man without anyone having to go into quarantine!
Due to my job I had to let management and key staff know of the situation to support me staying safe. I am a SEND teacher (Special Educational Needs ) and I LOVE my job, it something I am very proud of and a big part of who I am. Due to the covid 19 threat I was told to work from home, this was a huge blow- being with the kids, staff and keeping busy teaching is all aspect that keep me driven. I have found working at home hard, being sat all day looking at a screen is not my idea of fun! Plus my lack of patience and wanting to meet our new addition makes time go even slower! I have found it really hard to put someone else (bump) in front of my desire to get back to 'normal'. I may not feel the same if we are lucky enough to have a second so should be more grateful for being able to slow down, both our jobs are secure and we are keeping safely wrapped up at home. "
Guess all the fun is to come!